Want your zines in the collection?

We accept donations of zines as well as having a limited budget to purchase them. We ask that anyone wishing to add their zines to the collection familiarise themselves with our collections policy first:

View our collection policy here.

Where possible we ask all zine makers to complete an accessions form describing how they would like the zine to be treated. We are conscious of our responsibility as a library and in the processing of the personal data within zines; we will avoid adding data to the online catalogue if we feel it could have an impact on the zine-maker, or if it is clear the zine was created with the intent of anonymity or being circulated only in a smaller, off-line context.

You can return this form to us via email to glasgowzinelibrary@gmail.com.

We have a limited budget to purchase zines which is predominantly used to fill gaps in our collection or purchase historically significant zines. If you would like to recommend a zine for us to buy please fill in this recommendation form.

We understand that not all creators are able to donate their zines; please fill in this form if you would like us to purchase your zine for our collection. Please be aware that our budget is limited and therefore we cannot guarantee the purchase of all zines recommended through this form.

If you would like your zine removed from the online catalogue or if you would like your zine removed from the collection completely, please let us know.